News - Start page Meet NMV Group at FinnMateria 2018 Published 2018-10-18 NMV Group will take part in FinnMateria in Jyväskylä on 21-22 November. FinnMateria is Finland's leading exhibition for mining, metal processing, [...] Kiruna Wagon refurbishes and modernises wagons with Duplex Stainless Steel for LKAB Published 2018-04-05 Kiruna Wagon, an NMV Group company, has been commissioned to refurbish 50 bottom dumpers for raw material transport between LKAB sites. “This [...] Kiruna Utility Vehicles to supply slag ladle truck for Boliden’s smelter in Harjavalta, Finland Published 2018-02-07 Boliden has placed an order for an updated version of Kiruna Utility Vehicles’ Slag Hauler SH60 for its smelter in Harjavalta, Finland. The new [...] NMV Luleå manufactures in stainless steel sheet for leading supplier of timber kilns Published 2017-12-01 One of NMV Luleå's largest customers is Valutec in Skellefteå – the Nordic region’s leading supplier of timber kilns. Valutec Group is a [...] Complete renovation of container wagon for SSAB Published 2017-11-16 Under NMV Piteå’s project management, the broad competence of NMV Group was utilised when a rear wagon for a container truck was renovated for [...] Kiruna’s bell tower restored to top condition by NMV Kiruna Published 2017-11-14 Kiruna town hall’s 26-metre high bell tower has during the autumn undergone restoration work by NMV Kiruna. The restoration work included the [...] A rewarding cooperation for efficient development and manufacture of truck bodies Published 2017-11-08 NMV Luleå manufactures all frame rails and rear frames for Berco's bodies for light vehicles. In the case of bespoke vehicle bodies, NMV Luleå also [...] Johan Fahlman new Supervisor for NMV Industrial Doors Published 2017-11-01 Following the retirement of Kurt Gabrielsson, Johan Fahlman is appointed new Supervisor for NMV Industrial Doors, a part of the NMV Group. NMV [...] NMV moves Kiruna’s bell tower Published 2017-05-23 Nybergs Mekaniska Verkstad and LTH Traktor are commissioned to move Kiruna's famous bell tower. Kiruna town hall’s expressive bell tower from [...] Kiruna Wagon wins Swedish Steel Prize 2017 Published 2017-05-12 Kiruna Wagon, an NMV Group company, has been awarded the Swedish Steel Prize 2017, often referred to as the “Nobel Prize of the steel industry”, [...] Föregående sida · Nästa sida