1 November 2017
Johan Fahlman and Kurt Gabrielsson, NMV Industrial Doors.

Johan Fahlman new Supervisor for NMV Industrial Doors

Following the retirement of Kurt Gabrielsson, Johan Fahlman is appointed new Supervisor for NMV Industrial Doors, a part of the NMV Group.

NMV Industrial Doors offers sales, installations and repairs of industrial doors. The company is based in Piteå, but performs installations and services throughout Norrbotten County.

Johan Fahlman has been a part of the company since the start 4 years ago and many of our customers have already had contact with Johan over the years.

We wish Johan good luck in his new position and extend a sincere thank you to Kurt Gabrielsson for his time at NMV Industrial Doors. He will be greatly missed by his colleagues at NMV.

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