Design and build contract at SSAB completed
During the autumn NMV has been involved in a major project at SSAB in Luleå, where one of the company’s four blast furnace regenerators (Cowper stoves) has been replaced.
The project owner was the Dutch engineering firm Danieli Corus which specialises in blast furnaces.
NMV was introduced to the project by the end customer SSAB, as supplier of steel construction work in a design and build contract, which involved the replacement of approximately 100 tonnes of steel and the full-time employment of 10 people for six months.
The scope of the project required multiple resources and the coordination of subcontractors, for example, the planning of heavy crane lifting operations. The heaviest part that was lifted weighed 26 tonnes.
During the height of the project the Slovak supplier of masonry, Termostav-Mráz, had 50 masons working in shifts.
NMV’s assignment consisted primarily of tearing down the old steel construction and assembling and welding together the new construction, from parts manufactured by a specialist company in the Czech Republic.
The project is an excellent example of our ability to undertake design and build contracts of this kind and we thank SSAB for the confidence they have placed in us.
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