16 November 2017
The wagon was completely renovated in a project managed by NMV Piteå.

Complete renovation of container wagon for SSAB

Under NMV Piteå’s project management, the broad competence of NMV Group was utilised when a rear wagon for a container truck was renovated for SSAB in Luleå.

Special competencies at several companies and departments within NMV Group were utilised when the wagon was equipped with a reinforced frame, new hydraulics and an electrical control system. When the work was completed, the wagon, which is used to transport cold slag at SSAB’s steelwork in Luleå, was renovated to better-than-new condition.

NMV Piteå contributed project management and construction expertise and performed turning and milling in the company’s modern CNC machine park, as well as welding and final assembly of the wagon. NMV Hydraulics in Kiruna carried out the renovation, testing and painting of the hydraulic cylinders.

NMV Group company, Kiruna Utility Vehicles, which develops tailor made vehicles for steelworks and smelters, contributed specialist expertise in the current type of vehicle.

The container truck was originally delivered to SSAB by Kiruna Truck, the company which Kiruna Utility Vehicles (KUV) is rooted in, and has been in duty at SSAB for over 25 years. Through the project, KUV had the opportunity to renovate a truck model that it currently sells in a modernised version.

The renovation was carried out in close dialogue with SSAB, which besides ongoing feedback also provided the braking system for the wagon. The assignment is an excellent example of how NMV Piteå can perform complex turnkey projects for the varying needs of the process industries through the efficient use of NMV Group’s broad expertise and resources.

The container truck was built more than 25 years ago by Kiruna Truck. The photo shows a different vehicle of the same model.

The container truck was built more than 25 years ago by Kiruna Truck. The photo shows a different vehicle of the same model.

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