20 February 2015

NMV Group Hires Health and Safety Coordinator

As part of the NMV Group’s increased focus on occupational health and safety the Group has during 2014 hired Madeleine Hedin Rosenqvist as Health and Safety Coordinator.

Madeleine, who has previously worked as Health and Safety Inspector at the Swedish Work Environment Authority, works with matters pertaining to work environment and occupational safety at Nybergs Mekaniska Verkstad’s three locations; Kiruna, Luleå and Piteå. She also lends her competence to the other companies in the NMV Group, i.e. Kiruna Wagon, Malmfälten, Kiruna UV, Dahlberg & Roos, Galvteknik i Norr and Turris.

Many of our customers, including LKAB and SSAB, place high priority on workplace health and safety and, as part of our strategy to meet customer and market requirements, it is natural that we strengthen the Group’s competence in this field. The recruitment of a Health and Safety Coordinator is also a step towards further improving the quality of our deliveries, for example the ongoing CE marking of structural steel, SS EN 1090.

An important part of occupational health and safety management is to create a safe and secure workplace for our employees. NMV strives to be an attractive employer and supplier with its sights set on becoming a leader in Norrbotten County with regards to occupational health and safety. We strive towards zero accidents and injuries and have an active incident reporting system.

“My ambition is to be a resource for occupational health and safety activities. I’m available as a sounding board for management, production managers and employees. Together, we look at the current risks and take work environment management to a higher level based on the results of the risk assessments we perform,” said Madeleine.

The occupational health and safety management work that began in 2014 gave direct results in terms of increased safety during LKAB’s maintenance shutdowns, most recently in October, during which representatives from entrepreneurs and LKAB jointly focused on safety issues. Among other things, by making safety inspection rounds before, during and after the stoppage. Since this approach has been introduced there has been a clear downward trend in accidents occurring at maintenance shutdowns.

“In the daily work routine it is easy to become blind to the flaws at home and therefore it is useful to introduce a new person who will look at things with different eyes, and with a special focus on occupational health and safety,” concluded Madeleine.

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